Message from the Executive Director
Welcome! If this is your first visit to our website, thanks for dropping by. Please stay a while and feel free to look around. And since you’re here, allow me to introduce you to JANET.
JANET is a volunteer organisation, founded in 2016, to help serve the needs of Japan-based teachers of English to nurses. Many of us began in this field more by chance than design, but having begun to teach nursing students, many discovered the limitations that came with the job, among them that teachers of English to nurses often operate in relative isolation and on the periphery of nursing education.
While other organisations served the needs of language teachers and medical language instructors, there was no professional community for those engaged in teaching English to nurses. JANET fills this void by providing a network and a forum through which we can support teachers and raise the quality of nursing English education.
We bring together those from disparate backgrounds (nursing, nursing education and language teaching) with a shared interest in improving language education for our students and other members of this noble profession. If that sounds like you, we hope you’ll consider joining us.
Our History
Feb. 2016 JANET established
Nov. 2016
1st JANET Roundtable Discussion at JALT2016
Launch of this website and the now defunct Google Site
Feb. 2017 Start of the monthly newsletter
Sep. 2017 First issue of Nursing English Nexus
Nov. 2017 2nd JANET Roundtable Discussion at JALT2017
Jun. 2018 1st Annual JANET Conference
Nov. 2018 3rd JANET Roundtable Discussion at JALT2018
Jun. 2019
Constitution and Bylaws Approved
Creation of the Executive and Advisory Boards
2nd Annual JANET Conference
Oct. 2020 Constitution and Bylaws Amended
Jun. 2021 3rd Annual JANET Conference (online)
Jan. 2022 Recognized by the Science Council of Japan.
Nov. 2023 Became a domestic affiliate of the Japan Association for Langauge Teaching (JALT)